I'm making decent time on it. The structure is different, since, after a hundred odd books written (mainly) in one fashion, I'm changing up for a story. It just has multiple character views, so don't worry, I'm not getting to crazy with it!
So far I think it's a bit more interesting than I'd figured it would be. The parts I like, see people with new powers, different takes on the world around them and being able to go to different locations without traveling there by car (which I haven't really done so far, but I can! So refreshing!) are all available.
Also, and importantly for this series, the main characters of the story have a very different world view in regards to the IPB. We, the readers and in my case cross world viewer of such events (Or, erm, writer, if you want to claim that kind of thing for me...) know the IPB as a helpful and basically good group of people that prevent bad things from taking place.
To the less than normie looking folks of the Underground they are the Federal hit team attempting to wipe out anyone who seems too different...
Except that now, as the military lines up for an attack against them (for an unknown reason. I mean I know, but they don't in the story yet) they need help. Only, they don't know where to go for it. The only people they have that they can trust are right there with them...
This isn't going to be a vast tomb, since I'm not certain if people will like the different story telling mechanism. I should have it out by the end of this month, hopefully with at least one other "short" work. (Novel length, but just that.)
*Also, I'm considering writing up a break down of current social/political matters and or a mass shooting and terror attack survival guide. You know, I think I'll go with the last one. Everyone has thoughts on the first, and almost everyone is wrong.
Getting out of situations with your behind in one piece is useful, regardless of what you believe at the moment.
I'll have to figure out how to put that up for free if it's long enough to be a book. If anyone has any ideas on that, let me know? **Also, for those who haven't been paying attention, yes I have decades of experience and research behind what is needed for such a work. I know, the wizard who becomes an author... I was actually several things before that, though, and still spend a portion of each day working on self-defense, martial arts and weapons skills.
What, you thought that it was ALL meditation and endless hours of editing? 
Statistics: Posted by PS Power — Thu Aug 08, 2019 11:15 am