Stay out of down town. My best projection is that nothing much will happen, but there is a 10% (Guess-statistics, which is one of my super powers) that someone will send things truly off the rails.
There are forces inside the government that really WANT a massive distraction right now and the wars won't start for at least three or four months. (If at all. Smart money stays out of war, but massive worldwide economic collapse can make people so afraid that an economy boosting war seems like a great idea.
Forgetting of course that we can all just get together and make the economy work by simply agreeing on it. (Magic!) We won't do that though, so war, super massive plague, something along those lines will likely be coming. It will take a few years to really show, however.
If case you missed it, a report on the set up in Portland right now:
Saturday August 17th a man named Joe Biggs (Former Army, formerly of Alex Jones Infowars commentary site) along with Enrique Tarrio, the Cuban/black leader of the "Proud Boys" (A violent politically motivated gang that holds mainstream conservative views and is incorrectly called Alt-right, Far-right and "white supremacists") along with well armed Three Percenter militia members, Oath Keepers (Former military and police who took an oath to uphold the constitution of the United States of America, hence the name there) and "Bikers for Trump" many of whom are also former military, are holding an illegal rally in downtown Portland, starting at about noon. The theme is to "End Domestic Terrorism" Meaning Antifa.
Antifa (Self-Styled Anti-Fascist terror organization, known for their low level violence and vandalism, as well as street level gang attacks of unarmed journalists and elderly people) along with the Communist World Workers party and others are "counter marching" claiming they are going to bring violence and mayhem to the situation, to counter the "fascism and white supremacy" of the above organizations. (Yes, there are no racists on the other side, or at least very few. There are no Nazis and no fascists. Most of the far left, rather shamefully cannot define fascism, even while claiming to fight it.*)
Fascism: Founded by Socialist and devotee of Karl Marx, Giliarmo Gentile of Italy in the early 20th century. It's basic principals are total state run socialism (The state owns everything, all power to the state. In return they give you what you need. From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs...) With a stress on both class and Nationalism. Traditional Marxism focuses on class alone. To the fascist, the state is king.
In practice, all examples we've seen so far have been very violent, but they do not by any means have a monopoly on the use of violence nor is all state level violence a sign of fascism. There are no known groups or states in the Western world that use anything even remotely like fascism as we have seen it. There are no groups or organizations openly trumpeting it's cause. In short, claiming to be an Anti-fascist and doing violence over it would be a bit like claiming to be anti-Santa Clause and harming anyone under five foot for being an elf.
The police in Portland, as well as the Moltnoma County Sheriff's department and the National Guard are being deployed to "stop" the violence that will be blamed on the "white supremacists" but that will almost certainly be coming from the far left.
Antifa has, at least attributed to them, put out fliers and online material, suggesting that they dress in pro-America gear and commit acts of violence to frame the conservative marchers. At this time my take is that these fliers are fake, put out by people on the right, to inflame violence.
Again, my best guess is that very little will happen, but after the last three "lone gunman" scenarios, as well as the shooting attack on two ICE offices (same building) in San Antonio and the several would be copycat shooters that have been stopped in the last week, it would be best not to take any chances.
*People on the scene and in the know have been reporting that the FBI and possibly other branches of the government are planning to make this go big, using provocateurs. That possibly sounds unrealistic, but do recall that the FBI has been caught doing exactly that in court documents several hundred times. I do not know their agenda, if it isn't simply to frame people in order to make themselves appear valid.
That doesn't in any way mean the situation isn't real. Recall the the Oklahoma City Bombing was the combined effort of twelve individuals, of whom only two weren't working for or with a government agency. The two later killed for the action, even though the bomb itself was built by government agents...
So, the best place to be in a riot, bombing or shooting? Far away from it. If you are in Downtown Portland and don't have to be, then take a trip, just in case. If you have to be there, avoid the mobile crowds, stay indoors and away from windows and be ready to move, if need be.
Edited: to capitalize an I at the beginning of a sentence.Statistics: Posted by PS Power — Fri Aug 16, 2019 9:26 pm