I haven't really kept track myself on a day by day basis, but according to the stats in my ebook reader application (Moon+ Reader Pro on my phone), in the past 904 days (derived from 7234.8 hours at 8.0 hours/day avg according to the stats) I've read 3155 books.
Now, that number is a bit misleading, because what it really means is that I've read 3155 files, and as I'm reading a lot of ongoing serials and things like that, I wouldn't say all of them qualify as "books".
The stats also say 1252005 pages turned, but again, that number isn't really all that meaningful because it depends on the size of the screen (small with my old phone, larger on the Galaxy Note I'm now using) and the font size (relatively large).
I guess the most meaningful statistic would be "220 read words per minute" which together with the 7234.8 hours gives 95,499,360 words in total. The average novel is somewhere between 80-120k words I would guess, so at an assumed 100k words per "book", that would be 955 books in 904 days.
But I have to confess that I'm cheating somewhat. I'm mostly "reading" nowadays by listening to the book via text-to-speech (for anyone interested IVONA Voice Amy sounds very good and natural on Android) so I can do that while being otherwise busy (housework, driving, shopping, keeping an eye on the kids while they play with each other, ...) otherwise I wouldn't get even close to managing 8 hours/day.
Also, the software I'm using allows you to set the reading speed beyond 100%, and by increasing the speed by 10% each day, I found it easy to train myself to comfortably listen at higher speeds (listening at 100% now feels very very slow). The software original had a max of 200%, but a year or so ago that got increased to 400% and it only took me about 2 weeks of gradual increases to get used to that. (Because it's TTS and not just a sped up audio recording, you don't get high pitched mickey mouse voices, it still sounds natural, just very fast.) At 400%, it reads at about 350 words per minute now, which is about what I also normally manage when I'm actually reading instead of listening, so the speed feels natural to me, it just took some time to train my brain to listen to spoken words at that speed.Statistics: Posted by qHnED7SnYgQs — Mon Dec 29, 2014 7:52 pm