Tor: Has met Zack in his worldline. It was what he wanted to talk to Dareg about in private when he came to visit, but put off?
Gwen: Has met Zack in her world, and he and possibly some others will be part of her next story, though in a much lower ratio than in SOI.
Brian: Has NOT met Zack yet and won't for a good long time. At least a year and a half in his world. Sara is nine in SOI, but seven in Hush. There are two more book in that series and time wise they are close to each other, so it will be a while.
Glenda: Brian has not met her in her story world (It isn't her story, belonging to Ben, the main character. What, you thought that all the main characters were secretly Tor? How boring!) That will take place partway through book three. (At a guess. I haven't written it yet.)
*You do all get that the spelling of names changes based on the person whose story it is, right? Then, if they learn the correct spelling, it will alter for them? There are at least two books were I use this gimmick. Statistics: Posted by PS Power — Mon Jan 04, 2016 4:59 pm