That being said, I would far and away recommend Other Places, Young Ancients and this series over Alternate Places, which seemed really bleak to me, or Discipline, which again, a bit of a slog of negativity - even if it's me projecting... but yeah, those two were hard.
I got the Infected books because deal, and because I am enjoying the storylines and how they build nicely and are pretty fun for the most part, but I'm not going to lock myself down to any published order now - it wouldn't make sense given how much I've read and there aren't so many spoilers between the series yet... and I've now read all those excepting the last of course, of the strict ordered ones. It'll become difficult if Dale keeps to a cross-world scenario and doesn't have a crossworlds/multi-dimension series I guess to make that clean... but I hope all our faves get some service, I'm sure a lot of us like different people.
And really, Kolb? That's mean.Statistics: Posted by brainsniffer — Thu Mar 31, 2016 5:28 am