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I'm considering doing a few more stand alone books this year
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:47 pm
by PS Power
Any thoughts about that? Questions?
I'll be doing all the series work, as might be expected. New ones, and old favorites!
I was thinking of really branching out with a few things however, and hitting some bizarre stuff. Dark, brooding, surreal. Like real life, you understand what I mean, right?
Also I'm planning to do several compilations in the early part of the year. Putting some full series into one book and that kind of thing. Just so no one rereads them by accident.

Re: I'm considering doing a few more stand alone books this
Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 4:01 pm
by addmoreice
please oh please try out the litRPG genre. We have few entries from Americans in that genre and it's starting to heat up.
The current authors are either asian (meaning some of the cultural components are a complete hit or miss for an American audience) or it's Russian which is easier to get culturally but has two main faults.
1) random collections of anti homosexuality or random bouts of anti-Americanism (the anti americanism makes perfect sense and should stay in the 'alterworld' series for example because it actually fits in the narrative, but the anti homosexuality bits sound like an interruption by a 90 year old fox news obsessed grandma. it's jarring as heck).
2) plagued by spelling / grammar errors from bad translations.
You have shown you can write great novels combined with powers and how they effect the culture and behavior of the people as well as recognizing that if you make your characters super powered, they need some super stressors.
As to your main question about more stand alone books? YES! not because I don't want to know what happens in the rest of the series, but because I want you producing as much as possible! you are my favorite author and you are strangely prolific. (though I wouldn't be upset if you chained yourself to a desk and forced yourself to write even more!)
Go! Go forth and produce my crack!
Re: I'm considering doing a few more stand alone books this
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 1:12 pm
by PS Power
"Strangely prolific".
Honestly? I don't know why everyone else isn't doing the same amount of work... My guess is that they have families and lives to concern themselves with as well, instead of dedicating themselves to one or two specific tasks. (Which isn't a bad thing, overall, but it will slow you down, as well as lower the speed of learning a given craft or skill.)
That isn't me saying "I'm da greatest" after all, I have a lot more to learn, and plenty of room to grow! (I've been reviewing the early Young Ancients series, for the next Dare book...Golly was some of that early stuff bad. And the typos... Sigh. Even at the point where it gets better, I still need work.)
The thing is, I get to practice these skills on a near constantly level, and see that progression, as well as go back and analyze what I'm doing for errors. That is mainly due to my freedom to work and come up with new things.
The stand alone books are valuable to me, however, since it lets me try and branch out, stretch my creativity and break into a new framework! The problem is that readership patterns are changing, thanks to the new Kindle model, so large works, including incredibly big compilations, are more valuable than standard sized books now.
If that changes, which it eventually will, then going all in that way could work against me. If I disregard it however, that too might be a point of potential failure.
So, my current plan is to try and do both. Series works, come up with new compilations of old series, and a variety of stand alone works, possibly of good size to work in the current system.
Also I think I want to spend a bit of time now doing rapidly changing worlds, as far as writing. I don't really want to go stale.
Re: I'm considering doing a few more stand alone books this
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 2:23 pm
by David
It sounds good to me, I liked your other stand alone works so...
You write them, I'll read them.
You do write faster than most, which makes it even less of an impact... we won't have to wait for the next YA or infected... or the list goes on, for too long because of that. If you feel the itch to branch out... I'd say go for it.
Re: I'm considering doing a few more stand alone books this
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 5:49 pm
by Mojo
What are some areas that you are getting the itch to branch off too?
Re: I'm considering doing a few more stand alone books this
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 5:59 pm
by David
It should even out shouldn't it? I mean as long as all your books are on KU, it shouldn't matter. One compilation should get you the same KENP value as the three or six separate books together would. Book size as well, it will even out as you would write more books at the current sizes rather than a larger books, which adds more time to write and edit... Am I thinking about that wrong?
No reason not to do compilations, and it makes it easier on the readers. Longer is good too, just thinking it would all even out anyway.
Re: I'm considering doing a few more stand alone books this
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:01 am
by Korwin
I have to confess, I did not read all the stand alone books from you (like the clown book).
If it's still somewhere in the genre of scifi, fantasy (including urban fantasy and litRPG) I will read it.
Outside of that broad category, it not an certain thing.
Btw. the villain book you talked about in the past, was that Hush or is that an different story?
Re: I'm considering doing a few more stand alone books this
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 12:55 pm
by Ronald Dukarski
Don't scoff at the clown book (The Greasepaint Chronicles), its off-kilter enough to be enjoyable reading. I think you'll find Mr. Power's style transcends typical genre specific reading.
Re: I'm considering doing a few more stand alone books this
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:43 pm
by Jacobs
I end up buying every book as it comes out, but sometimes on the stand alones I don't read them for awhile until I get in to mood for something different. Every time I do this I kick myself for not reading it earlier because I end up loving the stories. I finally read Cheat for the first time this last week and couldn't put the damn thing down until it was finished.
Re: I'm considering doing a few more stand alone books this year
Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 2:07 am
by PS Power

I liked that one too.
Which probably isn't all that different or special.