Hello All,

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Brent / Argy / ArgyrosfeniX

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What to read while waiting for the next P.S. Power book

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Voracious Reader
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Re: What to read while waiting for the next P.S. Power book

Unread postby Shadelit » Sat May 28, 2016 10:58 pm

I'll have to wait for the next one then, I hate books that drop right in the middle of something.

Voracious Reader
Joined:Tue Oct 22, 2013 6:39 pm

Re: What to read while waiting for the next P.S. Power book

Unread postby David » Sun May 29, 2016 2:41 am

Wasn't quite in the middle, more between two separate but connected parts. There is a sense of closure to the story, but it leaves the heroine in a sticky place. But yeah, won't hurt to read both at once.

It also explains some things I've been wondering about since book 1

Early Reader
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Re: What to read while waiting for the next P.S. Power book

Unread postby Morningstar » Sun May 29, 2016 9:33 am

I've recently been reading some Chinese fantasy books. Wuxia/Xanxia are what these books come under, I think. I need to explain a little bit here, they combine magic and martial arts together. They are a bit like the Monkey King or if you prefer Journey To The West, which tells the true story of the Fabulous Monkey King. Or I suppose you could say it's a bit like a bloodthirsty Naruto. The first one I tried was Martial God Asura, I saw it on Amazon. I really enjoyed it. It was about a young man's rise up through the ranks of martial cultivation, becoming stronger and stronger on his way to the very top of the world. This, I later found out after finishing it, is an ongoing translation from a Web novel. The story itself is, I think, over 2700 chapters and still going, but the translation is only at about 760. And it is free to read, you can donate through Patreon to help those lovely people who are translating these stories. Wuxiaworld.com and Gravitytales.com. I'll just list a couple of others I've read. I Shall Seal The Heavens, Tales of Demons and Gods, and Blue Phoenix.

"Something unknown is doing we don't know what." - Sir Arthur Eddington
Voracious Reader
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Re: What to read while waiting for the next P.S. Power book

Unread postby Shadelit » Wed Jun 01, 2016 3:35 pm

So... Here's my question. Is anyone going to bother buying the last Alterworld book? I'm on the fence after the idiocy I read in the last one, when he basically said americans stuffed russians in concentration camps and brainwashed kids to be aight to marry everything from men, women, dogs, and computers, all in the name of democracy.

While at the same time going uber He-man work hard kill strong, wife stay home take care her he-man protector provider! Roh roh roh!

Voracious Reader
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Re: What to read while waiting for the next P.S. Power book

Unread postby David » Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:28 pm

Yeah, I quit that series a few books ago. The books went from outstanding, to just another litrpg, and then it got worse.

Voracious Reader
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Re: What to read while waiting for the next P.S. Power book

Unread postby Shadelit » Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:41 pm

https://www.amazon.com/Hell-Choose-Kurt ... PXPW84GB6S

kurtherian Gambit book uhm... 9 I think. LOL Came out on the 25th. Can't believe we all missed it.

Voracious Reader
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Re: What to read while waiting for the next P.S. Power book

Unread postby Shadelit » Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:19 pm

Wow that nightlord one came out a lot faster than the second one did.

Voracious Reader
Joined:Thu Feb 13, 2014 11:27 pm

Re: What to read while waiting for the next P.S. Power book

Unread postby Shadelit » Sat Jun 04, 2016 10:26 pm

I do absolutely love the nightlord books. I cannot wait for the fourth.

And thanks for the heads up on the next demon lords book.

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