Coming out on July 10, 2017
It's a romance by genre and has the pen name "Cassie Power" on it. Don't worry, it's still just me...
The story is a romance, though not a typical one, I don't think. Hopefully people give it a chance.
Why write romance? First, to push myself to do new things. Second, to introduce something new to that world. Romance tends to be a bit predictable. Which this is as well. I mean, really, two people meet, they get together, that's kind of the point, right? The things around that are more fluid, however.
This is, if people like it, going to be the starting point for a new series (of romances, because of the third point...)
Romance novels outsell everything else. It isn't even close. It's a bigger market, so doing well there could be a way to stay relevant in hard economic times. I won't give up on the science fiction and fantasy though, so no worries there. I'll just have to work twice as fast. That's all.

(Imagine a slightly manic face with bulging eyes, as a twitchy person sits, writing without end...)
Hopefully this works?
Thanks everyone!
It's a romance by genre and has the pen name "Cassie Power" on it. Don't worry, it's still just me...
The story is a romance, though not a typical one, I don't think. Hopefully people give it a chance.
Why write romance? First, to push myself to do new things. Second, to introduce something new to that world. Romance tends to be a bit predictable. Which this is as well. I mean, really, two people meet, they get together, that's kind of the point, right? The things around that are more fluid, however.
This is, if people like it, going to be the starting point for a new series (of romances, because of the third point...)
Romance novels outsell everything else. It isn't even close. It's a bigger market, so doing well there could be a way to stay relevant in hard economic times. I won't give up on the science fiction and fantasy though, so no worries there. I'll just have to work twice as fast. That's all.

(Imagine a slightly manic face with bulging eyes, as a twitchy person sits, writing without end...)
Hopefully this works?
Thanks everyone!