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To End All Wars...
Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:17 pm
by PS Power
I've started working on the new Gwen book.
It probably won't be coming out for a while, but people here can read it in a few weeks or so, possibly? If that works for you, then I might have quite a few things coming for that. (Reading well ahead of time.)
I'm still vacationing, but you know, I get bored.

Also, I do have that new youtube series that I've been working on, if anyone can stand my voice. (My distorted voice. I mean, I don't really sound like that...)

(I sound like a demented elf, most days...) ... qJpl1Jpaxw
Re: To End All Wars...
Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 7:20 pm
by Ronald Dukarski
I'm looking forward to it! Hope you're enjoying the vacation, but also greedily glad you get bored. I like your books enough that I sometimes wish you were the robot some people think you are. I know you put a lot of work into the YouTube series, but please forgive me, I just couldn't get into it. Probably for the same reasons I don't like audio books and TV. I'm not sure why, but other media just doesn't resonate with me? It took a couple years to to get involved with ebooks. So I'm thinking its some kind of technophobia? Anyway... Enjoy yourself any way you can.
Re: To End All Wars...
Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 11:26 pm
by qHnED7SnYgQs
I'll happily read anything you write...
Re: To End All Wars...
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 5:40 am
by PS Power
On the Youtube thing: Well, you know how it goes. I'm working to make my world slightly bigger.

Re: To End All Wars...
Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 5:33 pm
by PS Power
To End All Wars rough draft finished!
I'll start editing it tomorrow.
Re: To End All Wars...
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 5:31 pm
by PS Power
Updating: Ther have been three rounds of edits so far. I need to make the corrections from the last one (the first I didn't do myself) then I will put up a notice that I'm ready for pre-readers here!
(I'm all excited. You can feel that, right?)

Thanks, everyone. I should have that today sometime. This evening, most likely.
Re: To End All Wars...
Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 2:57 pm
by Tahg
Is this book the last one in the series? It seems like all the main difficulties are wrapped up. There's the multiverse things going on still, but I'm not really sure how that fits timeline wise, and there's not really any crossover mentioned in this series. I know the most of the series was really before all this cross world stuff has happened, so it kind of makes sense. However, I think she still uses her maiden name in YA:19 so really it should've happened by now and all. It's also possible I missed an obscure reference somewhere if there was one.
At any rate, I've rather enjoyed it so far. I wouldn't *mind* more stories of course, I'm sure it's possible for something to come up. No idea what you have planned already of course.
EDIT: Ah, I see that this is the last book after reading the other thread on it. Good to know she'll still be showing up elsewhere though.
Re: To End All Wars...
Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 7:10 am
by PS Power
Yep! Gwen will be around. The "new world" might even be around in other stories. (As the backdrop of the world. Possibly with Gwen in it...)
I have an idea for a series, that I set up in To End All Wars. That will take place after the end of the combined arc. So, next year?
Re: To End All Wars...
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 5:45 am
by Rafaam
Hell yea! Got me hyped for new Gwen book! Looking forward to reading it! But you should spend your vacation wise, sir. P.s. : Glad you got bored tho

Keep up the good work!
Re: To End All Wars...
Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:08 pm
by PS Power
There may, or may not, be a new Gwen Harrison series. There will almost certainly be an ensemble series featuring several notables from the first books, however.
Marcus the Public Telepath, Patches the Joey, Raj the Prince of Marduk*, Erica Westmorland and possibly one or two others. With a little help from a certain Gwen, of course...
*Yes, roughly a prince, even if he was kicked out of the kingdom for being a tool. Well away from the throne though. Like... eighth in line for it?
That would be separate from any dedicated Gwen stories, if I do them. I mean, she has to survive the end of everything first, which is NOT assured. No one is safe. Some will NOT make it. We might have a vote on that bit. Who to protect?
That way no one will threaten to kill me for not getting Sookie to hook up with Eric Northman. *sigh*
At not until I'm a bit more famous than my current incredible rate. You know, with a few television shows made from the stories?