Hello All,

Dale and I have been communicating about the recent problems with the Forum here at pspowerbooks.com. It has been decided to retire the Forum and move all author & conversational interactions over to Patreon.

Over the next week or so, I'll be closing down the Forum and creating redirects to start funneling visitors of the Forum over to that URL (the main website showing all the books will be staying).

Thank you everyone for your participation on the Forum these past several years! See you on Patreon!! :mrgreen:

Brent / Argy / ArgyrosfeniX

p.s. Sorry about all of the coding errors. They reset nightly these days and I can't keep up with changing the code that often... :(

Plague of demons?

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PS Power
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Plague of demons?

Unread postby PS Power » Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:02 am

Okay, for a few years, I've been having a small issue. Really not thinking of it much, though it's slightly annoying.

Things touch me in my sleep. It feels like animals, from the size of mice up to the size of cats or occasionally another person, will climb into bed with me at night. (Mice are mice, but everything else is physically impossible. Also, mice freak me out, so there is kicking and flailing when I feel that!)

Also the bed shakes (not possible due to the set up) things move in the room, and there are strange voices (on occasion) that make growling sounds, call out my name and so on. Even when I'm awake.

Now, a lot of this is normal stuff for me. It's been consistent. The issue is that it's intensified over the last few years.

There have been other things, as well. This isn't the first time this kind of thing has taken place, but it's been a while since it has become this intense.

Annoying. :)

*I'm only covering a small bit of this, for the normal reason. I don't want to prove to the world that I'm insane. Instead I'll just hint at it.

Gary F. York
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Re: Plague of demons?

Unread postby Gary F. York » Tue Nov 24, 2020 10:45 am

I always suspected you were weird (different.) But then, the best people are! (KInda.)

Personally, I have long thought it might be the case that you weren't lying in your 'bio' on Amazon. I suppose it's not all that different: being 'kicked out' of one reality to experiencing odd sensations in another.

I do hope that said sensations don't trouble you enough that it detrimentally affects your writing pace. :)

Wishing you an untroubled sleep!



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PS Power
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Re: Plague of demons?

Unread postby PS Power » Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:21 am

Honestly, I'm used to strange things going on around me. Call it psychic impression, haunting, or mental illusion, this type of thing has been a constant part of my life for over forty years. (I'm not that old, this is just a long term thing.)

*One day people will work out that I almost never lie, being that I practice a form of radical honesty, and then... They will still think that I'm delusional. :)

Which, fair enough. The trick here is that the things I've experienced aren't really that rare. I should write up a more complete analysis of what I'm talking about. This just isn't the time for that.

**I don't really think it's demons.

Gary F. York
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Re: Plague of demons?

Unread postby Gary F. York » Wed Nov 25, 2020 4:09 pm

Well. As long as you have stories urging you to write, I guess I can wait. :)

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PS Power
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Re: Plague of demons?

Unread postby PS Power » Thu Nov 26, 2020 1:04 pm

The biggest current detriment to writing is that I've kicked caffeine (again) and, of course, the fact that I've lost all sense of spark or joy in life. Other than that... Perfectly on track. (Seriously, I'm still writing. Of course Anders is freaking depressed in the story, but...)


Happy Thanksgiving!

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Re: Plague of demons?

Unread postby MarciaA » Fri Nov 27, 2020 1:21 pm

Makes me sad that you battle depression. I want an amulet from Tor to hand you to fix it instantly! If only...
Hopefully the demons (ghosts?) don’t torment you and just have fun teasing, keeping life interesting. Perspective. Think positive?
Hugs and more hugs!

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