Hello Everyone,
Dale and I are starting to consider the updating of at least the appearance of the website and it's assorted components. Considering what a significant task that is, I've decided to query you folk to determine if my thoughts on this are amenable to you.
I'd like to work on the site over a period of weeks when I have spare time, but not by using a sandbox and then releasing all the changes at once - no... I'd like to make gradual changes to the website as it is - while LIVE.
Is everyone okay if the website looks like road construction over a period of weeks and possibly months while this all occurs? Let me know what you think in the poll below. Feel free to respond with additional questions or comments in replies to this post. I'll respond as soon as I'm able.
Poll will be active for 30 days. Dale and I should have additional information ironed out by then.
Brent / Argy / ArgyrosfeniX
Dale and I are starting to consider the updating of at least the appearance of the website and it's assorted components. Considering what a significant task that is, I've decided to query you folk to determine if my thoughts on this are amenable to you.

I'd like to work on the site over a period of weeks when I have spare time, but not by using a sandbox and then releasing all the changes at once - no... I'd like to make gradual changes to the website as it is - while LIVE.
Is everyone okay if the website looks like road construction over a period of weeks and possibly months while this all occurs? Let me know what you think in the poll below. Feel free to respond with additional questions or comments in replies to this post. I'll respond as soon as I'm able.
Poll will be active for 30 days. Dale and I should have additional information ironed out by then.
Brent / Argy / ArgyrosfeniX