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Offshoot Novella?

A new world, With Magical abilities, Gwen gets a new life!
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Offshoot Novella?

Unread postby ArgyrosfeniX » Sun Nov 10, 2013 12:53 pm

Thought it might be interesting to have a novella that explores what happens to Gwen's body in her world.

I know that she is constantly thinking that her body is dead, but what if it was a bit more complex than that?

What if there was a copy of her made instead of a transference and when her body was touched by magic from another world, she developed magical skills in her magic-less world.

Might be fun to explore - just a thought! :mrgreen:

. Here I am trying to live, or rather, I am trying to teach the death within me how to live. ~ Jean Cocteau
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Re: Offshoot Novella?

Unread postby PS Power » Thu Nov 14, 2013 1:18 pm



Though good use of imagination there!

There might be, sigh, a prequel though.

With Billy Cavendish, The love of his life, Erica, and his watching of his sister, Gwen, and what she's going through. I just don't really like pre-quals, as a rule.

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Re: Offshoot Novella?

Unread postby Ronald Dukarski » Thu Nov 14, 2013 6:17 pm

Don't think of it as a prequel, Mr. Power, think of it as a simultaneously written account that was published later. It's all in the mindset.

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Re: Offshoot Novella?

Unread postby Ronald Dukarski » Sun Nov 17, 2013 4:51 pm

On the topic of an offshoot novella, I'd like to see an exploration of Heather Westmorland. She's supposed to be Gwens analog in the Gwen universe,I wonder how closely she stacks up to our heroine. Three questions come to mind that could be answered in a spinoff. One, who was Billy referring to when he told DeBussey "you shouldn't have killed her" ?Two, why did DeBussey feel Bethany was her nemesis? And three, did Gwen ever get air conditioning for her armor? I also wouldn't mind finding out who , um ,gets the cherry on Gwen' s cake? The final installment tied everything up nicely for me except the aforementioned points. I hope this didn't include any spoilers.

Love isn't blind-it's retarded. Charley Harper

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Re: Offshoot Novella?

Unread postby ArgyrosfeniX » Mon Dec 09, 2013 3:49 am

I'm looking forward to having her in her armor more too - it was a situation that she hadn't mastered yet. In fact, sounded like she was barely proficient...

Billy's "You shouldn't have killed her." - I think that is going to be a biiiig thing here in the not-to-distant future book. Thinking Billy knows something from his far sight that will rock Gwen at least, if not the whole of society. We'll have to see how that all turns out. ;)

. Here I am trying to live, or rather, I am trying to teach the death within me how to live. ~ Jean Cocteau
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Re: Offshoot Novella?

Unread postby daniel1948 » Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:11 pm

I think the author made it clear that Gwen's original body is dead. But the story of Billy, the fight to defend Gwen when they were children, from his point of view, and how he wound up in the world of the Gwen books, could be interesting. OTOH, I'd much rather the author pursue the Keeley Thomson series, than devote time to Gwen's backstory.

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Re: Offshoot Novella?

Unread postby willallen » Sun May 04, 2014 9:19 pm

If I recall correctly, Gwen missed the zombie apocalypse by a few days/weeks back in her old body, so probably not much going on there. I would be more interested to see what happened to Darren in Jake's Dead End world. Might make for an interesting read. Or, maybe Darren made it back and is hanging around trying to figure out how to free Heather and the other Westmorlands from their servitude. Gosh, there are so many things left to be settled in the "Gwen-iverse".

Definitely, this series needs a new book to at least tell the story of how Gwen learns to make rifting devices without blowing up the world. Oh, and how she ends up marrying Ferdinand. Come on, you all know you want to see that. Christophe is a nice enough kid, but no match for Gwen. As for how that happens, Gwen a commoner and all, well, there are bound to be a lot of patents of nobility lying around vacant after Worthington got rifted, and Gwen more than earned the honor after saving the everyone from those dastardly million armed monsters from beyond the void.

As for Billy, I think the woman he was referring to when confronting Erin was the person who befriended him and then Billy's mother murdered. Just my guess based on what was said.

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Re: Offshoot Novella?

Unread postby PS Power » Mon May 05, 2014 5:47 pm

There is a story, which I have partially written already, called Scars. It's the story of a sixteen year old abused boy (Billy Cavendish) who's insane mother and her team of scientists/ horrible minions, use to practice advanced training protocols on for military applications.

It's a twin perspective book (meant for Valentine's Day...) with the other being the girl that works at the local movie theater, Erin. It's a time worn tale really... They meet by chance, he makes eyes at her, which is pretty close to a soulless psychopathic glare... She asked him out on a whim and then his handlers train him to be the perfect date, wining her over.

Some time after that, they actually fall in love and which ends when Dr. Cavendish kills her, so she won't be a distraction to the program. (The one that Billy isn't all that thrilled with anyway.) It goes about as well as can be expected, and ends just before he leaves town for good. Moments before his double would have appeared, as he;s in an incredibly heightened state, subconsciously trying to leave...

It was one of those books that I eventually decided was too rough for normal people to like. I may rewrite it one day. Or not.

The girl she killed was, however Erica.

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Re: Offshoot Novella?

Unread postby Ronald Dukarski » Mon May 05, 2014 8:14 pm

So that's who she shouldn't have killed. But the only way it'll make literary sense, Mr. Power is if you publish it. Please?

Love isn't blind-it's retarded. Charley Harper

In life, being dead, kind of means you lost. Tor

Don't drink the water, fish f**k in it. W. C. Fields

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