Hello All,

Dale and I have been communicating about the recent problems with the Forum here at pspowerbooks.com. It has been decided to retire the Forum and move all author & conversational interactions over to Patreon.

Over the next week or so, I'll be closing down the Forum and creating redirects to start funneling visitors of the Forum over to that URL (the main website showing all the books will be staying).

Thank you everyone for your participation on the Forum these past several years! See you on Patreon!! :mrgreen:

Brent / Argy / ArgyrosfeniX

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Book 3

Alternate Places: A very different take on the Other Places reality.
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Re: Book 3

Unread postby David » Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:04 pm

Right, so addicting someone to pleasure and making them your slave and completely dependent on you to the point that cessation of it causes insanity shouldn't apply to Zack because it is... An Alede rule?

That... Is just a really weak argument. Some rules cross lines. Even the demon woman would find that immoral. And no one turned on him, it was a punishment and intervention. I really don't remember him getting kicked out...

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Re: Book 3

Unread postby willallen » Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:45 pm


To address two of your questions, I think the reason Lexi is not a Line Walker is that Zach specifically stated that after blending too much with Kate, he made a special effort not to do so with the little Alede girl. As for Don and Chris, they are his cousins by blood though he did not know it at first. I think there was a comment to that regard, Zach stating he didn't think a lot of other humans were going to suddenly develop the Line Walking ability.

That blood connection between the fathers of Zach, Don and Chris makes me wonder if the two evil brothers we not the result of some nefarious Arch-Demon experiment to fashion the "fallen champion" the banished Old Gods are seeking. Maybe Zach will have a chance to look into their backgrounds in Book 4.

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Re: Book 3

Unread postby David » Mon Sep 29, 2014 3:57 pm

Zack declared Kate as family, his child. That is probably what held people back.

As far as the rest, yes, it was extremely out of character for Zack to do that. Blatantly and disturbingly so...

However, reading all of Dale's other books I am giving him the benefit of the doubt it will be explained to my satisfaction later. I have never seen a character in his books act out in a contrary way to their established personality so Dale could move the plot forward, or force something to happen.

Until now. Which makes me believe I don't know everything behind it.

So, like I said, he will probably make sense of it later. I can even think of one way... With him feeding the Alede his sex drive became uncontrollable for even himself, despite his almost mastery over his body and feelings and perceptions.

Who knows what the long term effects turned into? Perhaps that's why he didn't follow up on it, the changes altered something in him. When it came to sex after that, he just couldn't see the truth of it, or the damage he was doing.

Like a crack addict hocking the family china..

That's all just pure speculation of course, and probably wrong. I'm sure Dale will explain it better when he gets to his next alternate Zack book.


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Re: Book 3

Unread postby Darrin » Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:01 pm

So the probblem will just get worse now that they have two different people feeding the Alede and Vamps?

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Re: Book 3

Unread postby David » Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:12 pm

If my wild speculation is right... Which I doubt.

The point was really that I believe Zack had cause to act out of character, I just don't think we know why yet. That whole thing was just a way of explaining one way that's possible.

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Ronald Dukarski
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Re: Book 3

Unread postby Ronald Dukarski » Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:28 pm

Darin, and a few others, must someone always side with a loved one right or wrong? SUPPORT, yes. SIDE WITH? Nope. Remember this was an intervention. What Zack was doing was wrong, whether he realized it or not or what his intentions were. Someone needed to stand up to him and get him to back off. How much coke can an addict use before he's out of control, how much alcohol for an alcoholic? How much bullying would you allow before you said something. Like all addictions, zero tolerance is the best bet. Sorry some of you feel put off by tough love, but that's life.

Love isn't blind-it's retarded. Charley Harper

In life, being dead, kind of means you lost. Tor

Don't drink the water, fish f**k in it. W. C. Fields
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Re: Book 3

Unread postby Darrin » Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:56 pm

Wow! Your Interventions are much harsher than the ones i have seen. I don't recall a single on starting with a physical assault by the accuser upon the person they are intervening on. usually you gather their friends and family around then and confront them on their actions, verbally, not physically.

It's not the intervention i dislike, it's the whole setting/situation that is TOTALLY OUT OF CHARATCER for Zack. Nothing that we have seen even hints that he might do this kind of thing and if he did do it accidently he would have gotten help to fix it, not let is continue for several months as is implied in the story.

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Re: Book 3

Unread postby Kat » Tue Sep 30, 2014 8:52 am

I still think that, like Zack not healing himself after he kind of died even though he could have and then letting Kate heal him, this situation was one half on purpose.
He probably addicted people by accident, but he made Kate feel a lot more than others on purpose, too.

In my opinion that was a challenge Zack set. He clearly stated before that Lisa was destined to be alone unless he did something about it, because by herself she wouldn't find anyone. Zack worked in the background there and set her up with Libby's aunt (? I think it was her aunt...one of her relatives in any case) in a way nobody really noticed.
So I think Zack wanted Kate to develop something in her personality and left solving the problem - and addressing it - up to her on purpose. Though the initial addiction was an accident. How was he or anyone else supposed to know what would happen if he tried some....advanced Alede tricks and feeding techniques?
In my opinion he did it because in the second book she's a Zack worshipper and extremely similar personality wise so Zack feared that, if he let things go on she would become an exact copy of him personality wise aside from the fact that she's Alede. So my theory: like sending her away from him, to where she couldn't just follow his actions and had to stand on her own he set this one as a challenge for Kate to go her own way and, that's the most important part, AGAINST ZACK.
Later in the book Zack held back on purpose and simply supported Kate in what she was doing.

Doing things that way other nations saw that Kate was truly his equal as a Line walker Plus they got to realize that her healing powers were far above anything else out there. Meaning, the Line walkers became a group of people powerful enough to rival any other nation in potential. By adding that one twin and his cousins the group suddenly became one that was growing quickly and had to be controlled in some way. Follow that line of thinking and people were actually happy that they formed a nation - meaning that nation had to make sure none of them suddenly started assassinating people in closed and guarded rooms or something. Because a handful of nearly godlike people going rogue without restraint is pretty damn scary. After all, they couldn't force all of the line walkers to marry a dozen people each to control them like they did with Zack alone.

So, yeah, I think Zack did most of what he did on purpose. Except the addicting thing, that happened in book 2 and he didn't realize it.

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