Hello All,

Dale and I have been communicating about the recent problems with the Forum here at pspowerbooks.com. It has been decided to retire the Forum and move all author & conversational interactions over to Patreon.

Over the next week or so, I'll be closing down the Forum and creating redirects to start funneling visitors of the Forum over to that URL (the main website showing all the books will be staying).

Thank you everyone for your participation on the Forum these past several years! See you on Patreon!! :mrgreen:

Brent / Argy / ArgyrosfeniX

p.s. Sorry about all of the coding errors. They reset nightly these days and I can't keep up with changing the code that often... :(

Book 3

Alternate Places: A very different take on the Other Places reality.
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Re: Book 3

Unread postby rockhazard » Sun Oct 05, 2014 2:13 am

"If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason." --Jack Handey
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Re: Book 3

Unread postby Ronald Dukarski » Sun Oct 05, 2014 7:47 am

These are just my thoughts on this topic, so anyway...
I can't find the exact passage to quote, but Dale said this (Alternate Places) was the first book(s) he wrote. He didn't release them at the time, however, then later did. It may have been for the very reasons you are discussing now. He may have 're-written them as Other Places to correct ambiguity and incongruity in the original story line. Thus the differences. He said he tweaked the original to clean it up and used dialogue rather than just narrative. His style changed a little bit, too. Regardless, I've enjoyed reading both. And will continue reading both as they are offered.Dale' s too good not to.

Okay, carry on...

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Re: Book 3

Unread postby Darrin » Sun Oct 05, 2014 11:48 am

Does anyone else find it odd that right when Kate finds out that Zach is doing bad things that another couple of Line-Walkers wit the ability to "feed" Alede and vamps show up?What would have been the reaction if that hadn't occurred? Kate had to start finding her own food? And all the of others Zack hd been "feeding." Sometimes Authors manage to conveniently arrange things so that tthey don't have to inconvenience themselves while they breakdown a main protagonist.

I read these stories because I like Zack as the main character, now there is nothing to keep me interested. I am find with others getting there own stories, but why does it always seem to happen at the expense of the primary character that brought you into the story originally.

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Re: Book 3

Unread postby David » Sun Oct 05, 2014 11:54 am

Rock. Maybe, it was my interpretation. I am not even really saying I am right, just saying it fits the facts and could be what Don did.

I know what your talking about, the little girls father that was tortuously killed the first time Zack used his ability. According to Wu-Li's comments though, Zack just needed to let go of the power he was using, implying if he did it right the guy would have just died.

Zack commented that he figured out he could do it painlessly, but because of the fresh void memories and all that he didnt know what he was doing really.

The jerking around thing is the non-damaging zero energy that makes people twitch and move away.

The only reason Forest's head was knocked back when he did it, was because he hit him really hard in the head with it. Vamps are different. They pass out, humans die etc...

Anyway, I could be wrong, and if Don gets a book we will find out what the gaze of death is for sure. But still, even Zack said he could kill a human painlessly and fast with that technique later on, he just didn't know what he was doing that first time.

Remember, the impacts come when Zack concentrates his energy making it harder? The death and pass out part happens even with low energy if he pulls his energy back to quickly, which grabs onto his victims energy and pulls it out.

And yes, I admit its all speculation, but it fits what we know about the powers and what we know about Kate's inability to see it from her POV

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Re: Book 3

Unread postby rockhazard » Sun Oct 05, 2014 7:54 pm

"If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason." --Jack Handey
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Re: Book 3

Unread postby David » Sun Oct 05, 2014 9:55 pm

Thats a hard question to answer, all I can say is all we know about for sure is what happened around Kate that she could perceive.

For all we know, while Kate did her thing at college and faced off against her dangers, Zack fought off some more Arch demons, had some ice cream, knocked up Meri and threw five parties then trained Don in the basics. Who knows?

Do I think Don had time to learn? Yes. Zack picked that part up fast, just by watching Wu-Li fight that first time. It was the advanced techniques that he needed the master to teach him, such as energy circulation, which is one thing we know he taught Don since Don uses it to feed the Alede.

Wu-Li didn't have to sit down and teach Zack that attack, although after Zack screwed up and lost half his life energy the master did make him drill hard with it so he didn't screw up again, which isnt really the same as teaching the technique. Still though, it was a fairly simple thing for Zack to pick up.

I admit it would be cool if the death gaze was another energy application, I am just having fun guessing at what things are from Kate's limited POV since she can't see it.

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Re: Book 3

Unread postby Jevs21 » Fri Oct 10, 2014 7:36 pm

Am I the only one that enjoyed the book? Yes there are areas that seam a bit iffy but that happen with some of his over books until you read the whole series then it's all come together like a giant jigsaw puzzle.

As for some of the over people, maybe they will have there own books later on. I for one think that Cavendish will get it one with Kate as the get to know him better.

And when he gets to heaven,
To saint peter he will tell;
"Just another soldier reporting, sir
I've served my time in hell."
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Re: Book 3

Unread postby rockhazard » Fri Oct 10, 2014 8:42 pm

I liked all the books. I was pretty happy that Dale chose Kate as a protagonist, really. I enjoyed her character development. But of course, picking out negative aspects to critique is part of how I enjoy media, and negative things stick out more than positive things. You know "what's wrong with this picture?". The fact that we are analyzing a few specific possible shortcomings doesn't detract from the enjoyment I had in reading it, although I get how it might seem that way reading my own comments. To put it another way, I didn't waste my money...

"If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason." --Jack Handey
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Re: Book 3

Unread postby Jockla » Sat Oct 18, 2014 5:47 pm

Constructive criticism is pretty much always useful, an I don't think anyone posting on this forum does it because they don't like the books.

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