Hello All,

Dale and I have been communicating about the recent problems with the Forum here at pspowerbooks.com. It has been decided to retire the Forum and move all author & conversational interactions over to Patreon.

Over the next week or so, I'll be closing down the Forum and creating redirects to start funneling visitors of the Forum over to that URL (the main website showing all the books will be staying).

Thank you everyone for your participation on the Forum these past several years! See you on Patreon!! :mrgreen:

Brent / Argy / ArgyrosfeniX

p.s. Sorry about all of the coding errors. They reset nightly these days and I can't keep up with changing the code that often... :(

Cheat is up! Yay!

Discuss the books, the characters.. ect...
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PS Power
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Re: Cheat is up! Yay!

Unread postby PS Power » Mon May 25, 2015 9:17 pm

Hey Kat!

It's part of a similar genre. There are other works like it out there. Though I have to write at least some stand alone books! I must attempt to be all things to all people after all... (Okay, I guess I don't, but what's the point of pushing yourself to be the best you can, if you only do it in a very narrow area of existence?)

Also, it's longer than most books. Seriously. Just because fantasy novels can run a half million words, that doesn't mean people always want that. (Or DO they? Dune did pretty well that way, though I tend to think of that as fantasy too, so... Yeah. Opinions? We should move this one over to a new thread I think. It touches on things that are at the very heart of writing, movies, video games and so on.)

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Re: Cheat is up! Yay!

Unread postby Kat » Thu May 28, 2015 3:11 pm

Hm, honestly, most people get a bit pale when they see over 200 000 words. Half a million makes a hardcover book so heavy your tiny little bookstore bag tends to rip if you try walking around with it for half an hour. That's two reasons why writing books that long is not the best idea ever, that and people do want to see results before they've forgotten what happened in the first half of the book because it usually takes them at least a month to read it.

I'm not a big science fiction expert, I know Honor Harrington, Star wars, Foundation and Dune plus a couple of those slums and aliens books that somehow merge into one fuzzy thing inside my head. So this really was the first time I've read this type of story. If anyone knows others like it maybe you could give me a few hints in that direction :D

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PS Power
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Re: Cheat is up! Yay!

Unread postby PS Power » Wed Jun 10, 2015 9:15 pm

Sure, but most authors have real lives, too. Which isn't a bad thing at all. Eventually I'll pull back and only write six to ten books a year too.

Not this year, but you know, soon. Two, three years, tops?

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