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Cheat questions -- SPOILERS

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Re: Cheat questions -- SPOILERS

Unread postby Ronald Dukarski » Fri May 08, 2015 7:47 pm

Speaking of exchanging the system, I wonder how this would work..." But dear, I'm not cheating. Sally was just telling me she was going to masturbate, but lost her vibrator. I merely suggested she could use my penis instead. I was just trying to help."

Yeah, I don't know,I'll keep working on that.

So anyway there are often times even we married men are going their own way. MMGTOW.

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Re: Cheat questions -- SPOILERS

Unread postby PS Power » Sat May 09, 2015 1:30 pm

That's a big issue in the MGTOW world. Two camps, people that think that only unmarried men can be MGTOW and people that want to focus more on the "Own Way" portion of things.

My take is that if you sign a marriage contract, you should do your very best to fulfill it, even if it gets hard. A married man should be seeking to do his best to keep things together, and not go his own way.

That's me though, and I can see how some people would want freedom, and to be self-reliant, after they discover that being married isn't really that great of a prize.

There's also the idea of Women Going Their Own Way. I imagine that would tend to look pretty different than when a man did it, but I can't write off the idea totally, as some do. The personal choice to step away from the society of relationships and the burdens, and traps, that entails could well work for ladies too. They have different conditions placed on them, but they are still very real.

For instance:

Men pay for children. (Sometimes even if they aren't theirs!)
Woman have to care for them, day in and day out. (A hard job that refocuses an entire lifetime!)

Men are used to support women. (Even if they make less money, or would be happier not working at the job they have. You must stay in the miserable job, to take care of your woman...)
Women are supposed to have enough sex to keep a man loyal. (Even if they don't like sex, their partner isn't good at it, or they are just using him for his money, while secretly desiring a much better looking man.)

Men are punished more harshly for the same crimes. (Sometimes having to take the rap for women completely.)
Women don't learn not to commit crimes as easily, since they often feel they won't be punished for them, making them worse people. (Even though a slight change in the rules would help fix this for them, since it isn't in their nature to be bad, in particular. It's the system allowing them to be.)

Men are beaten by women more often than the other way around. (And not believed if it happens, often facing arrest for it taking place, if they try to report it to protect themselves.)
Women have to live in fear that this will be found out, if they are the kind of person to do that. (Which will have almost no repercussions to her life. I said the problems were different, not always equal.)

Men are always thought to be potential pedophiles, even though the percentage of men that do that kind of thing is very small. (Also the false accusation of this crime will devastate a man, even without it being taken to the police.)

Women are as likely, or MORE likely to actually molest children, but are so protected that it's nearly impossible to find out how often this happens. (The best numbers say that 40% of sexual abuse is at the hands of a woman, but the odds are that this is so under reported that the numbers are likely at least double that, if not much more. Most of the time it's a care giver or mother of the child doing it... This is a huge potential problem, that no one will even look at.)

Men earn more money by the end of their careers, and have to hear about it like it was their fault, over and over again.

Women get paid the same on average, but don't work as much, and pick easier fields to work in, that are more interesting and fun. (Okay, so this one isn't so much a drawback for women, but I am filtering this through my man-centric viewpoint. I don't even mean that as a joke. The wage gap isn't real. It's the laziness gap, and the fault lies with women on this one. It wouldn't matter a bit if it wasn't one of the main legs of supposed White Male Privilege.)

Men aren't asked to get the tea, coffee, or sandwiches at high flying business meetings. (And wouldn't care if they were.)
Women have to be watchful and take great offense at this kind of thing, in case it is sexist in nature. (Which has to be exhausting)
(Also, while often mentioned by feminists, it really isn't a MGTOW issue. I'll leave it, just to show what I was thinking about, but it doesn't really fit here.)

There are a lot of men's, and women's, issues. Most of them for women are social, or involve the application of law now. Some of those work actively against men, making their lives harder and more miserable. Most of the laws are pretty equal however.

Socially speaking, the differences are much greater.

Men are often vilified for being sexual creatures and having needs. Normal male sexuality is shown as perverted and wrong in many, many cases.
Women are celebrated for the same things.

Men are expected to pursue women for relationships, facing rejection most of the time when they do so.
Women can often sit back and entertain a large number of suitors, without realizing that it's very different for men, and that taking rejection is harder than giving it out.

Men are expected to pay for the courting, even if the lady asked them out. (If he doesn't he not only won't be having sex, but the odds of getting a second date go way down.)
Women can pretty much use men for free food, and outings, then complain that the man "expected" something of them, which is creepy, since no one ever hugs, kisses or cuddles on dates! (Which has to warp their sense of reality, allowing them to hold that kind of messed up thought process on the topic. If you didn't like him, why go on the date? To get free things?)

Now, I can go on, but the point that I'm failing to make here is that I assume women actually have issues that men relaly don't see.

Like cat calling.

Men see that happening, a call of "Hey good lookin!" Or "You wanna date?" and know that the men saying those things are just being complimentary and expect nothing of the women being called too.
Women feel insecure though, and project feelings of being targeted by those same men, not understanding what's happening from any perspective but their own. They simply see men that don't meet their standards trying to get their attention.

Since they aren't good enough for the woman, the only way that they could get with her would be through rape, which to her mind makes the cat-calling a low level rape threat.

Men don't understand that, however, since to them it's very close to insane.

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Re: Cheat questions -- SPOILERS

Unread postby PS Power » Sat May 09, 2015 1:31 pm

Feel free to bring up thing I might have gotten wrong! That's only fair.

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Re: Cheat questions -- SPOILERS

Unread postby Ronald Dukarski » Sat May 09, 2015 6:15 pm

You know Dale, all the points you bring up are very good, and go beyond anecdotal. But they are still generalizations. I have noticed that at least the one about the man paying has been falling by the wayside. It may be the economic depression we find ourselves in or perhaps a little equality sneaking in but my daughter's have been chipping in and a lot of the high school girls on the bus have made mention of the increased cost of dating and prom and partying, which they themselves (or their parents) have had to pony up for. It's probably economic, but still...

I won't defend women in this case, I've had too many problems with them to be very generous. As far as marital loyalty goes, I agree. If you have made vows, given your word, pledged your troth, yada, yada... you should honor that vow, or find legal release. It's just too bad that legal release has such a high cost. Financial and emotional. That's another thing that women handle better than men. The emotional aspect of a break up. It's been documented. But who gets all the sympathy? Two guesses and the first won't count.

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Re: Cheat questions -- SPOILERS

Unread postby PS Power » Mon May 11, 2015 1:40 am

I do have to admit that all of those are generalizations. Rereading them, I'd have to think that if I were a woman I might find them hostile too. That's not anger on my part however, just the fact that I only see the world through my own eyes, with the exception of what empathy I hold. I'm willing to try though, to see what others are saying, so hopefully that will be enough.

In the end my best guess is that it's really going to end up being all about what individuals choose for themselves. Going their own way, using the traditional marriage system or soemthing else that I can't even see yet. (Robosexuals, anyone?) :)

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Re: Cheat questions -- SPOILERS

Unread postby ArgyrosfeniX » Mon May 11, 2015 6:01 am

. Here I am trying to live, or rather, I am trying to teach the death within me how to live. ~ Jean Cocteau
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Re: Cheat questions -- SPOILERS

Unread postby RyanM » Mon May 11, 2015 9:25 am

While that list is good, it's more of a list of ways Modern Feminism has injured society. One glaring example is that you say the laws are more or less equal, and that's true. However, the APPLICATION of those laws is far from equal.

I would add reproductive rights to the list:
1) Women have multiple ways to prevent a pregnancy: the pill, sponges, female condoms, morning after pill, IUDs, diaphragms, etc.
2) If pregnant, they can choose to abort that pregnancy though a physical or chemical abortion.
3) If they chose to carry to term, they can still walk away from the responsibility of caring for the child through various mechanisms. In some states she can simply leave the child at designated place and physically walk away. No questions asked.
4) If she decides to keep the child, she can get assistance from the tax payers through a plethora of government programs and can have the courts force the father to provide financial support.

A man has no rights. He can wear a condom and hope it doesn't tear or that it hasn't been tampered with. But that's all. He can't force the women to abort nor can he walk away from his responsibilities.

Also, I think the MGTOW movement makes a lot of really valid points, but sometimes their messaging borders on conspiracy theory moon battery. The irony is that many in the movement make fun of feminists for the whole "patriarchy!" nonsense, but then some of their arguments can be boiled down to "matriarchy!"

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Re: Cheat questions -- SPOILERS

Unread postby MarciaA » Mon May 11, 2015 2:24 pm

My my you fella's are fun to follow... interesting to see men's POV.

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Re: Cheat questions -- SPOILERS

Unread postby David » Mon May 11, 2015 3:57 pm

Nah, I've been holding back!

It's too complicated, and there are always circumstances that fall outside the box. I think that's the whole point, the law is too narrow and it leads to bad decisions. Every case is different.

take in why relationships fail between the opposite sexes and it becomes even more complicated.

Some generalizations are mostly true, but that's what get's us into trouble.

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Re: Cheat questions -- SPOILERS

Unread postby Ronald Dukarski » Mon May 11, 2015 4:27 pm

And yet we haven't heard from the fairer sex, Marcia. I think the testosterone flowing here could use a little , um, dilution?

And Ryan? You forgot one other method of birth control men have. One I took. A vasectomy. It was something I did well before my second marriage, but after I met my now wife. It was damn near a deal breaker. We "dated" for 7years before we were finally married. She was incensed that I would do that without asking first. I'm sure she still resents my decision (it shows its ugly head now and then) and she feels cheated. But at nearly 40, I was certain I didn't want any more children. So it was what it was.
And now here I am at 65 caring for other people's children a bus load at a time every day twice a day five days a week 9 months out of a year. And putting in more time with a little league team and my step-grandson, than I did with my own children. Basically due to a court enforced custody agreement. But that's gotten better as my children grew. See, I was afraid I'd end up giving too much information. So, never mind.

Love isn't blind-it's retarded. Charley Harper

In life, being dead, kind of means you lost. Tor

Don't drink the water, fish f**k in it. W. C. Fields

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